When I mentioned to a few friends and family members that we were going to be doing "Tot School" with Super Tot this year, I got some strange looks and comments. I thought I would explain exactly what Tot School is at our homeschool.
Basically, Tot School is what we like to call play with a purpose. It is one on one time I set aside each day to play with Super Tot. It is intentional, but fun. Yes, I do plan and prepare, but Super Tot really takes the lead. If he doesn't like something, we don't do it. If he plays with something in a different way than I had planned, fantastic! There is no pressure on him at all and he usually loves it. When he doesn't, we find something else to do. Our Tot School is focused on montessori-style play with a goal of exposing him to early learning concepts. The goal is not for him to be forced to learn, but to be exposed to things in a fun way.